غزل ۴۲۳ مولانا


۱ مَگَر این دَم سَرِ آن زُلفْ پریشان شده است که چُنین مُشکِ تَتاریْ عَبِراَفْشان شده است؟
۲ مَگَر از چهرهٔ او بادِ صَبا پَرده رُبود که هزاران قَمَرِ غَیبْ درخشان شده است؟
۳ هست جانی که زِ بویِ خوشِ او شادان نیست؟ گر چه جان بو نَبَرد کو زِ چه شادان شده است
۴ ای بسا شاد گُلی کَزْ دَمِ حَقْ خندان است لیک هر جان بِندانَد زِ چه خندان شده است
۵ آفتاب رُخَش امروز زِهی خوش که بِتافْت که هزاران دل ازو لَعْلِ بَدَخشان شده است
۶ عاشق آخِر زِ چه رو تا به اَبَد دلْ نَنَهَد بر کسی کَزْ لَطَفَش تَنْ هَمِگی جان شده است؟
۷ مگرش دل سحری دید بدان سان که وی است که از آن دیدنش امروز بدین سان شده است
۸ تا بِدیده‌ست دلْ آن حُسنِ پَریزادِ مرا شیشه بر دست گرفته‌ست و پَری خوان شده است
۹ بر درختِ تَن اگر بادِ خوشش می‌نَوَزَد پس دو صد بَرگ دو صد شاخْ چه لَرزان شده است؟
۱۰ بَهرِ هر کُشتهٔ او جانِ اَبَد گَر نَبُوَد جانْ سِپُردن بَرِ عاشقْ ز چه آسان شده است؟
۱۱ از حَیات و خَبَرش باخَبَرانْ بی‌خَبَرند که حَیات و خَبَرشْ پَردهٔ ایشان شده است
۱۲ گَر نه در نایِ دلیْ مُطربِ عشقَش بِدَمید هر سَرِ موی چو سُرنایْ چه نالان شده است؟
۱۳ شَمسِ تبریزِ زِ بام اَرْ نَه کُلوخ اَنْدازَد سویِ دل پس زِ چه جان‌هاشْ چو دَربان شده است؟

#دکلمه_غزل_مولانا با صدای #عبدالکریم_سروش       دانلود فایل


Rumi quotes, Rumi sonnet, Rumi words, Rumi Poetry

۱- Has perchance this instant the tip of that tress become scattered? For such a Tartar musk has become amber-diffusing.
۲- Has perchance the dawn breeze lifted the veil from His face? For thousands of unseen moons have begun to shine.
۳- Is there any soul which is not happy through His sweet perfume? Though the soul has no clue as to the source of its happiness.
۴- Many a happy rose is laughing through the breath of God, yet every soul does not know whence it has become laughing.
۵- How fairly the sun of His cheek has shone today, through which thousands of hearts have become rubies of Badakhshān.
۶- Yet why should not the lover set his heart upon Him through whose grace the body has become wholly soul?
۷- Did the heart perchance one morning behold Him as He is, so that from that vision of Him it has today become after this wise?
۸- Ever since the heart beheld that peri-born beauty of mine, it has taken the glass into its hand and become an exorcist.
۹- If His sweet breeze blows upon the tree of the body, how a-tremble two hundred leaves and two hundred branches have become!
۱۰- If there is not an immortal soul for every one slain by Him, why has it become so easy for the lover to yield up his soul?
۱۱- Even the aware ones are unaware of His life and activities, for His life and activities have become their veil.
۱۲- If the minstrel of Love has not breathed upon the reed of a heart, why has every tip of the hair become lamenting like the reed pipe?
۱۳- If Shams-i Tabriz does not fling clods from the roof against the heart, then why have the souls become as it were his doorkeepers?
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